Message from the Owner

Trying to make these dreams come true becomes the power to live.
Guided by this thinking, we have remained committed to thoroughgoing creative monozukuri - the art of making things -- and have made it our goal to delivery safety to everyone.
We will continue to be an innovator with dreams.

Susumu Ubukata, our founder and also my respected father, left these words to us: Let our engineers imagine the unimagined; let our technical experts make what has never been made. In addition to this commitment to creativity, my father advocated the concept of a national commitment to industry that held that the nation of Japan could grow only through economic self-sufficiency driven by industrial technology. Taking up the challenge of developing new products and technologies, he built the foundation for the company that is Ubukata Industries. This idea of a national commitment to industry and this personal commitment to employing creativity at every turn are something that we resolutely carry on even now.
In the more than 60 years since our establishment, the circumstances surrounding the company have changed dramatically, and the transition of a borderless economy shows no pause. However, I believe that it is precisely because of this that there are some things that must not be changed, and that must not be allowed to change. For us, this is our commitment to creativity, our intention to contribute to society and the nation through our products and business operations, and our desire to help people be safe and feel secure. I believe that carrying this on unchanged and passing it on to the next generation is our mission. Renewing anew our adherence to If you can dream it, you can do it! as our slogan, we will aim to remain a company whose existence has meaning for society.
Message from the President & CEO

Since our beginning, we have taken pride in being Original.
However, originality has always been at risk of being imitated and followed.
In order to continue to provide the value of safety to society,
We will continue to be one step ahead.
We will continue to pursue originality that is unrivaled by others.

Our commitment to originality has led us to produce protectors and seismic devices to ensure safety. As a result, we were able to secure an overwhelming share of the market. This attitude will never change.
While releasing new products, we continue to work on new product development. We believe that this is the lifeblood of our company. Being imitated is the undeniable evidence that we are superior.
Rather than simply chasing numbers, our one and only goal is to improve value of our company. We will continue to create high value products and provide society with the unique value of safety.
We make sure we do not simply expand our products overseas. With our global strategy that respects local circumstances, we respond to needs in detail and develop our business for mutual growth. We will accelerate this further in the future. In addition to production in Japan and China, we are also exploring local production in India and the United States, where our products are needed. We will strive to deliver UBUKATA brands to people all over the world who seek safety and security, from Asia to Africa, Europe, and North and South America.